
Electronic Dance Music Origin 13/14

Okay, fuck everything I just said. The real inventor of electronic music was Grog, who in 65,000 BC started banging his stick against a rock in a rhythmic,
synchronous repetetitetitetive motion, thereby producing the first tribal track. And what, pray tell, is so electronic about that?
Well....he was struck by lighting at the time. It really gave an analogue warmth and fullness to his sound.

There. Have I done it? Is this the end? Are you satisfied now, you sophmoric, pedantic fucks?

Is your precious little electronic dork IDM history now complete for all to recognize the timelessness of your pompous,
"forward-thinking" music? Are you pissed off that I left out the Ondes-Martenot or that I snubbed the mighty Ondioline or Heliophon,
and you can't wait to send me a snobbish, pretentious email decrying "CONTINUITY ERROR! CONTINUITY ERROR!"?

You know, sooner or later you conceited tools are going to realize that it doesn't matter who made what or how it came out when.
The purpose of music is to have fun and enjoy it and identify with the culture that does, not to flaunt your oh-so-deep and sophisticated air of superiority like a snivelling,
skinned-knee school kid who got picked last for kickball. And when that happens you're going to want to stop with the intellectual bedwetting,
or else we should just keep on going and just admit that electronic music started with the motherfucking Big Bang so we can pride ourselves on how brilliant and
genius we think we are (yes, that means you, Tobias).

We gotta draw the line. Where is that line? I don't know. I don't care. I think this is the first timeline I've ever seen that actually goes backwards, though. Hey, howabout that.

Fuente: Ishkur's Guide

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